You run off and play over there. |
Бегите и поиграйте вон там. |
Got them right there. |
Вон они! Вон они! |
But the real coup is over there. |
Но вон там настоящая находка. |
It's in the basket over there. |
Вон в той корзине. |
That's his car out there, ain't it? |
Вон его машина, видишь? |
That's Billy over there, under the tree. |
Вон Билли, под деревом. |
Oh, that's Dr. Masters over there. |
Вон там доктор Мастерс. |
And there goes the plane to Landstuhl. |
Вон полетел самолет на Ландштул. |
Do you guys know that girl over there? |
Знаете вон ту девушку? |
Wow. We can sit over there. |
Мы можем сесть вон там. |
And that guy, Solomon, over there? |
А Соломон вон там. |
I'm gonna go sit over there. |
Я вон там присяду. |
And yours'll go... over there. |
А твой... вон там. |
Over there, on the right. |
Вон там, справа. |
Oh, it's over there now. |
Он теперь вон там. |
You see that fire extinguisher there? |
Видишь вон тот огнетушитель? |
I'll wind up over there. |
Я подтянусь вон туда. |
You, you see the big house on top there? |
Вон видишь большой дом наверху? |
You can use that room over there. |
Твоя комната вон там. |
My car is just over there. |
Пойдёмте, вон туда. |
Way over there, the red one. |
Вон там, красный. |
The, uh, police report is right there. |
Полицейский протокол вон там. |
The house phone is right over there. |
Внутренний телефон вон там. |
The guys are coming up there. |
Вон твои дружки едут. |
I live in that house down there. |
Вон в том доме. |