See that window, up there? |
Видите вон то окно? |
Dr. Rollins is right over there. |
Доктор Роллинс вон там. |
You'll find Reverend Antreassian back there. |
Отца Андреасяна найдете вон там. |
It's that guy over there! |
Это вон тот парень! |
Okay, see, see that intern over there? |
Видишь вон того интерна? |
An interesting old bell tower over there. |
А вон интересная старая колокольня. |
That's him over there, practising. |
Вон он, тренируется. |
You can sign up over there. |
Нужно записаться вон там. |
Someone catch it, it's over there! |
Ловите её, вон она! |
You've got the radiation counter there. |
Вон там датчик радиации. |
Right, right there. |
Вон, вон туда. |
And bedroom six is through there. |
Шестая спальня вон там. |
He's got an order there for you. |
Вон, там твоя свобода. |
Would you mind going over there to get that radio? |
Вон оттуда, из сумки. |
That's the jaguar preserve over there. |
Вон там заповедник ягуаров. |
That path there on the left? |
Вон ту дорожку слева? |
Megan, you sit down right there. |
Меган, садись вон туда. |
You see the barbershop over there? |
Видите парикмахерскую вон там? |
It's not far. It's over there. |
Он вон там, недалеко. |
That's his prop cart over there. |
Вон там тележка с реквизитом. |
Is there anyone for 8.5 million Won? |
А 8.5 миллионов вон? |
Go for for that one there. |
Теперь вон тот давай. |
My brother's lab is over there. |
Лаборатория брата вон там. |
He had the small cabin down there. |
Вон та маленькая каморка. |
You see that little one over there? |
Видишь вон того мальчика? |