She has three kids now |
У неё уже трое детей. |
There were three of them, peter! |
Их было трое, Питер! |
Only the three of you? |
Вас же всего трое? |
I have three children. |
У меня трое детей. |
One jellaba for three people? |
В одной джеллабе все трое? |
All three were from here. |
Все трое родились здесь. |
But three of his sons escaped. |
Но трое его сыновей спаслись. |
Is that two or three of them? |
Их двое или трое? |
Married father of three. |
Женат, трое детей. |
I have three hostages. |
У меня трое заложников. |
Now there are only three. |
А теперь нас здесь трое. |
This time, there's three of us. |
Что теперь нас трое. |
So do three and me... |
Осталось трое и я... |
This summer, the three of us. |
Этим летом, мы трое. |
It's what's best for the three of us. |
И все трое в выигрыше. |
Rory and I have three, actually. |
У нас с Рори трое. |
There's only three of us. |
А нас только трое. |
I thought there were three of you. |
Я думал, вас трое. |
No one gets to three. |
Не по одному, по трое. |
All three of us saw someone. |
Мы все трое кого-то видели. |
And then there were three. |
И так нас осталось трое. |
Did the three men arrive together? |
Эти трое мужчин приехали вместе? |
That you three were living together? |
Что вы трое живете вместе? |
And now, three people are dead. |
И уже трое мертвы. |
But there are three thugs in there. |
Но их там трое. |