A fugitive, technically. |
В бегах, технически. |
Well, technically she was our prisoner. |
Технически она была нашей пленницей, |
Well, it's not cheating technically. |
Технически, это не обман. |
That is true technically. |
Так и есть, технически. |
Well, no, not technically. |
Технически говоря, нет. |
It was not technically correct. |
Технически это было неправильно. |
And, technically, it's a gel matrix. |
Технически, это гелевая матрица. |
Ahem. Well, technically, nothing, Your Honor. |
Технически никакого, Ваша Честь. |
These problems are both technically solvable. |
Обе проблемы технически решаемы. |
Well, technically no. |
Ну, технически нет. |
No, not technically. |
Нет, не технически. |
And not technically an employee of the FBI - |
И технически не работник ФБР - |
And I'm not technically... |
И технически я не... |
Well, technically two. |
Ну, технически - два. |
Well, technically you did not. |
Технически, это не так. |
I'm technically dead. |
Я же технически мертва. |
Well, technically not together. |
Ну, технически не вместе. |
But technically, we need a warrant. |
Технически, нам нужно разрешение. |
Well... technically, sort of. |
Ну... технически, да. |
That's true, too, technically. |
И это правда, технически. |
Jakey and Anna... well, technically |
Джейки и Анна... Технически, |
technically, since you broke off the engagement. |
Технически, помолвку разорвал ты. |
Well, yes, technically, yes. |
Ну, технически, да. |
Well, technically speaking, Aida's not a robot... |
Технически, Аида не робот... |
Well, she's not technically Luke's. |
Технически, она не его. |