Примеры в контексте "Standing - Стоял"

Примеры: Standing - Стоял
I was standing in front of the men. Я стоял перед солдатами.
He was standing in a corner on his own. Стоял в одиночке в углу.
How long has he been standing there? Как долго он там стоял?
This poor man was standing there, trembling. Бедняга стоял весь испуганный.
thisyoungindividual was standing on a corner. Молодой парень стоял на углу.
He's standing there in the staircase. Он стоял там на лестнице.
But I was just standing there. Клянусь, я просто стоял.
He was standing there, scared, Он стоял там, испуганный,
He's just standing there, breathing it in. Он стоял там и дышал!
I was standing here. Я стоял точно так же.
There was a man standing over him. Над ним стоял человек.
I was standing inside of a footprint! Я стоял в отпечатке следа.
I was standing over her body... Я стоял над её телом...
It was standing on a trap door. Он стоял на люкё.
But he was standing still. Но он стоял на месте.
And Kerouac was just standing there. И Керуак просто стоял там.
I was standing here. Я стоял вот здесь.
How long have you been standing there? Долго ты там стоял?
Why was I standing on a table? Почему я стоял на столе?
He was standing over you. Стоял рядом с тобой.
And I say, even though I am standing there: Я стоял там и ответил:
And you were standing there. А ты стоял там.
You were standing near him. Ты стоял возле него.
A man standing here? Мужчину, который здесь стоял?
He was standing beside mailbox... Он стоял у почтового ящика.