They've stolen my clothes! |
Они украли мою одежду! |
He was stolen from us. Shufi! |
Его у нас украли. |
I thought it got stolen? |
Разве ее не украли? |
It was stolen and cut up. |
Его украли и распороли. |
Gold got stolen, did it? |
Золото украли, да? |
Our camera bag was stolen on the bus. |
Нашу камеру украли в автобусе. |
Was anything stolen from the trunk? |
из него что-нибудь украли? |
Grandad's car's been stolen. |
У деда машину украли. |
Some pesticides got stolen over at Gracie's. |
У Грэйси украли пестициды. |
Car was reported stolen last week. |
Машину украли на прошлой неделе. |
It's only just been stolen. |
≈Є только украли. |
It was stolen last week. |
Его украли на прошлой неделе. |
No, they were stolen... |
Нет, их украли... |
Your wallet was stolen? |
У тебя украли бумажник? |
They've stolen my wine! |
Они украли моё Монтепульчано! Негодяи проклятые! |
Who was it stolen from? |
У кого его украли? |
It must have been stolen. |
Значит, ее украли. |
My bicycle pump's been stolen. |
У меня украли велосипедный насос. |
You all have stolen everything from us. |
Вы украли все у нас. |
They have stolen the heart from inside you |
Твоё сердце украли, навлекли беду |
They have stolen the money from the taxes. |
У меня украли налоги. |
They've stolen my bike. |
Что? Украли что? |
But the bomb was stolen, Leïto. |
Бомбу украли, Лейто. |
A large amount of construction materials were stolen from there. |
Оттуда украли большую партию стройматериалов. |
A bicycle had been stolen on 2 December. |
2 декабря украли велосипед. |