Английский - русский
Перевод слова Yard
Вариант перевода Во дворе

Примеры в контексте "Yard - Во дворе"

Примеры: Yard - Во дворе
Because our yard is such a mess. Потому что во дворе бардак.
And the van was from a rental yard. Во дворе арендованный фургон.
Who's in my yard? Кто это там у меня во дворе?
In the yard, four minutes! Во дворе за четыре минуты!
I want to trench a yard. Я хочу порыться во дворе.
In the yard if you like. Во дворе, если хотите.
Down in the yard! - [Gunshots] Внизу, во дворе!
And are waiting for you in the back yard Они ожидают вас во дворе.
I found it in the yard. Я нашел его во дворе.
A woman, was out in the yard. Старуху, лежавшую во дворе.
I'm always in the yard. Я всегда во дворе.
We were in the yard. Мы были во дворе.
I was out in the yard. Я была во дворе.
There's the well in the yard. Во дворе есть колодец.
Follow the rope in the yard. Следуйте по веревке во дворе.
Set him up in the yard. Подставим его во дворе.
Records from the phone in the yard. Записи с телефона во дворе.
In the yard, washing bottles. Во дворе, моет бутылки.
I was rollercising in the yard. Ездил на рольках во дворе.
Someone was in our yard. Кто-то был во дворе.
Abner, check the yard. Абнер, проверь во дворе.
Buried the ashes in the yard. Пепел закопали во дворе.
I bury one third in the yard. Одну треть закопаю во дворе.
Is that your car in the yard? Твоя машина во дворе?
Then we bury him in the yard. Тогда похороним его во дворе!