Английский - русский
Перевод слова Yard
Вариант перевода Во дворе

Примеры в контексте "Yard - Во дворе"

Примеры: Yard - Во дворе
All the boys are already in the yard. Все ребята уже во дворе.
There's somebody in your yard. Там кто-то во дворе.
Stay in the yard, okay? Оставайся во дворе, хорошо?
An outdoor cell on the yard. Это тюремная камера во дворе.
We'll have the room in the yard. В комнатке во дворе.
He was just sittin' in the yard. Он просто сидел во дворе.
All right, I'll see you in the yard. Ладно, во дворе увидимся.
Then we bury him in the yard! Тогда закопаем его во дворе!
In the yard, next to the linden tree. Во дворе, возле липы.
It's time for the yard movie. Пора смотреть кино во дворе.
Peanuts are strictly forbidden in the yard. Арахис строго запрещён во дворе.
Why is there a dog tied up in our yard? Почему во дворе привязана собака?
In the yard, too. И во дворе тоже.
I heard you out there in the yard. Я слышал тебя во дворе...
I was in the yard. Я был во дворе.
Then sleep in the yard. Тогда спи во дворе.
Detective, the yard turned up nothing. Детектив, во дворе ничего.
Was it a football game in the yard? На футбольной игре во дворе?
Hole in Franco's front yard? Дыра во дворе Франко.
The police box in the yard. Полицейскую будку во дворе.
I buried him in the yard. Я похоронил его во дворе.
What business in the yard? Какой случай во дворе?
Imagine what's happening in the yard! Что там творится во дворе!
In my yard. It's stalking me. Она у меня во дворе.
Carl shot it in the yard. Карл подстрелил его во дворе.