Where were you sitting, May? |
Где вы сидели, Мэй? |
Were you sitting next to her? - I was. |
Сидели рядом с миссис Матучек? |
They were just sitting in silence. |
Просто сидели в тишине. |
We were just sitting there... not talking... |
Мы просто сидели. Молча. |
We were sitting there. |
Эй, мы здесь сидели. |
When we were sitting here Do you know what it was? |
Вы ведь все тут сидели. |
So lonely to be sitting there empty. |
Мы сидели там в одиночестве. |
We were sitting on the hay bales... |
Мы сидели на тюках сена... |
Two bankers sitting behind me. |
За мной сидели два банкира. |
So the computer's sitting there thinking, |
И компьютеры сидели и думали - |
We were sitting around a table having drinks. |
Мы сидели за столом выпивая. |
Why were you sitting on that stump? |
Отчего же сидели на пеньке? |
Were you sitting on that saucepan? |
Вы сидели на этой кастрюле? |
They were sitting on the edge of their seats. |
ќни сидели на краю своих сидений |
You were all just sitting in the dark. |
Вы просто сидели в темноте. |
They were sitting in my booth. |
Они сидели за моим столом. |
Were sitting' in that corner. |
Сидели в том углу. |
They were sitting at a table. |
Они все сидели за столом, они собрались специально для нас. |
They were sitting close with their arms around one another. |
Они сидели, обняв друг друга. |
Wynn and Wanda sitting in a tree, s-u-c-k-i-n-g. |
Винн и Ванда сидели на крыльце... и с-о-с-а-л-и-с-ь. |
They threw him out while they're sitting there eating themselves... |
Они выбросили его, а сами сидели и жрали... |
People were moving about much more slowly than usual and a few were sitting alone, quietly weeping. |
Вернувшись, я обнаружил, что студия стала необычно вялой, люди двигались куда медленнее обычного, а некоторые из них сидели в одиночестве, тихо плача. |
Their head was turned away, but they were sitting and they kept silent. |
Отвели глаза, но сидели и молчали. |
But we were sitting idle, taking walks here and there in front of the city. |
А мы сидели без дела. Маячились попусту перед городом. |
I dreamt of a white haired couple sitting close to each other. |
Двое стариков сидели, взявшись за руки. |