I'll be there shortly. |
Я буду там скоро. |
Coming to you shortly. |
Скоро переходим к тебе. |
I'll be there shortly. |
Я скоро там буду. |
Dr. Webber will be up shortly |
Скоро придет доктор Веббер, |
Well, we'll know shortly. |
Ну, скоро узнаем. |
Someone will be out shortly to get you |
Скоро за тобой приедут. |
My people will be here shortly. |
Мои люди скоро здесь будут. |
Don't worry, it will wear off shortly. |
Не беспокойтесь, скоро пройдёт. |
Allocation of foodstuffs will begin shortly. |
Распределение продовольствия скоро начнется. |
We should know more shortly. |
Скоро нам сообщат полные сведения. |
We will be with you very shortly! |
Мы скоро к вам подберемся! |
The police will be arriving shortly. |
Полиция скоро к вам прибудет. |
She will be calling on you shortly. |
Она скоро к вам зайдет. |
Okay. I'll be up shortly. |
Хорошо, я скоро поднимусь. |
He's going to die shortly! |
Да ему скоро помирать! |
Someone should be there shortly. |
За вами скоро заедут. |
She'll be taking over from me shortly... |
Скоро будет принимать у меня смену |
We'll be leaving for Cardassia shortly. |
Мы скоро улетаем на Кардассию. |
I'll be over shortly. |
Я скоро к вам зайду. |
I should be coming back to the control room shortly. |
Скоро вернусь в комнату управления. |
You'll see why shortly. |
Скоро вы увидите, почему. |
My dear, I'm leaving shortly. |
Дорогая, я скоро уезжаю. |
Agnes will be here shortly. |
Агнес скоро будет здесь. |
We'll have Elizabeth shortly. |
Скоро Элизабет будет с нами. |
He should be home shortly. |
Он скоро должен прийти. |