Примеры в контексте "Ground - Пол"

Примеры: Ground - Пол
Down on the ground now! Лечь на пол немедленно!
Get on the ground! И мордами в пол!
Children on the ground. Дети, на пол.
I might as well just stare at the ground. Надо смотреть в пол.
Get down on the ground now! Немедленно на пол лицом вниз!
I was on the ground. Я упал на пол.
Get on the ground! ...Two... На пол! Два...
Get down on the ground! На пол, живо!
Nose on the ground. Живо. Носом в пол.
Honey, get down on the ground. Солнышко, ляг на пол.
Stay on the ground and breathe. Ляг на пол и дыши.
Put the gunon the ground... now. Положи пистолет на пол.
Just get down on the ground. Просто ложитесь на пол!
Stay on the ground! И смотри в пол!
Get to the ground now! На пол, живо!
Now get down on the ground. Теперь сама ложись на пол.
All right, everybody get down on the ground. всем лечь на пол!
Get on the ground and hold on. Ляг на пол и держись!
Down on the ground now. Мордой в пол, живо.
Drop to the ground, Sasha. Опустись на пол, Саша.
Evyone on the ground now! Все - на пол! Сейчас!
On the floor, on the ground! На пол, на землю!
Get on the ground. Ложись на пол, Саманта.
Stay on the ground! На пол, кому сказано?
Everyone downon the ground! Все на пол живо!