Down on the ground now! |
Лечь на пол немедленно! |
Get on the ground! |
И мордами в пол! |
Children on the ground. |
Дети, на пол. |
I might as well just stare at the ground. |
Надо смотреть в пол. |
Get down on the ground now! |
Немедленно на пол лицом вниз! |
I was on the ground. |
Я упал на пол. |
Get on the ground! ...Two... |
На пол! Два... |
Get down on the ground! |
На пол, живо! |
Nose on the ground. |
Живо. Носом в пол. |
Honey, get down on the ground. |
Солнышко, ляг на пол. |
Stay on the ground and breathe. |
Ляг на пол и дыши. |
Put the gunon the ground... now. |
Положи пистолет на пол. |
Just get down on the ground. |
Просто ложитесь на пол! |
Stay on the ground! |
И смотри в пол! |
Get to the ground now! |
На пол, живо! |
Now get down on the ground. |
Теперь сама ложись на пол. |
All right, everybody get down on the ground. |
всем лечь на пол! |
Get on the ground and hold on. |
Ляг на пол и держись! |
Down on the ground now. |
Мордой в пол, живо. |
Drop to the ground, Sasha. |
Опустись на пол, Саша. |
Evyone on the ground now! |
Все - на пол! Сейчас! |
On the floor, on the ground! |
На пол, на землю! |
Get on the ground. |
Ложись на пол, Саманта. |
Stay on the ground! |
На пол, кому сказано? |
Everyone downon the ground! |
Все на пол живо! |