You weren't expecting to see me. |
вы меня не ждали. |
It's like you were expecting me. |
Похоже, вы меня ждали. |
Were you expecting her over tonight? |
Вы ждали ее сегодня вечером? |
We were expecting him at the meeting. |
Мы ждали его на встрече. |
I believe you are expecting me. |
Думаю, Вы меня ждали. |
We weren't expecting you back so soon. |
Не ждали тебя так быстро. |
I know you weren't expecting me. |
Вы же меня не ждали. |
We were expecting you. |
Мы ждали вашего звонка. |
We weren't expecting you. |
Мы не ждали вашего визита. |
Were you expecting a battalion? |
А вы чего ждали? Батальон? |
We're not expecting you. |
Мы вас не ждали. |
I believe you were expecting me. |
Надеюсь, вы ждали меня |
Yes, we were expecting your call. |
Мы ждали вашего звонка. |
We weren't expecting company. |
Мы не ждали гостей. |
We were expecting Colin kilpatrick. |
Мы ждали Колина Килпатрика. Да. |
We weren't expecting you. |
Мы вас не ждали. |
We were expecting Sana-chan to do something. |
Мы ждали твоих действий! |
They were expecting us. |
Они того и ждали. |
I'm sorry, with Happy in the hospital, I didn't know we were expecting guests. |
Не знала, что мы ждали гостей, пока Хэппи лежит в больнице. |
We've been expecting it since the ironworks at Dowlais closed down. |
Мы ждали этого с тех пор, как закрылся металлургический завод Доулэйса. |
Now more than a year later of my son taking Escozine, the doctors have prescribed Matthew cortycartizone, but they were not expecting miracles since his form of muscular dystrophy is irreversible. |
Теперь прошло уже больше года с момента начала приема препарата Escozine моим сыном, врачи прописали Мэтью кортикартизон, но не ждали чуда, так как мышечная дистрофия считается необратимой. |
According to Plutarch, Cimon then sailed with the Greek fleet as quickly as possible, to intercept the fleet of 80 Phoenician ships which the Persians had been expecting. |
Кимон якобы поспешно вышел в море с флотом, чтобы перехватить флот из 80 финикийских кораблей, который персы ждали. |
[Constance] We weren't expecting you until tomorrow. |
Мы ждали вас только завтра. |
You're probably expecting me to come up here and talk about fusion, because that's what I've done most of my life. |
Вы наверное ждали, что я здесь появлюсь и начну говорить о термоядерном синтезе, потому что я этим почти всю жизнь занимался. |
Expecting us, were you? |
Вы нас ждали, не так ли? |