Примеры в контексте "Thought - Дума"

Примеры: Thought - Дума
It was a lovely thought. Это была прекрасная дума.
There was a new body of the government - Zemsky a cathedral (advice). Structure Zemsky of advice included tsar, the Seigniorial thought, the Consecrated cathedral (assembly of the maximum clergy, nobility, merchant class and a top of cities). Возник новый орган государственной власти - Земской собор (совет), в состав которого вошли царь, Боярская дума, Освященный собор (собрание высшего духовенства, дворянства, купечества и верхушка городов).
From the stubborn interwoven strata of his unconscious, thought seeped up into his dim... conscious, not as an integral part of that consciousness, but rather as an impalpable the unsleeping life of the nature that surrounded him. "Из непоколебимых глубин переплетенных пластов его бессознательного," "в его сумрачное сознание просочилась..." "дума,"