Did you forget to pick her up? |
Вы забыли забрать ее? |
I'll send someone to pick them up. |
Я пошлю кого-нибудь забрать покупки. |
Dad showed to pick her up. |
Отец приехал ее забрать. |
You can pick them up on your way out. |
Уходя, можете забрать. |
I'll send the kids by to pick 'em up. |
Я пошлю детей забрать их. |
When should I pick them up? |
Когда я должен их забрать? |
How soon can I pick them up? |
Когда я смогу их забрать? |
I'll be back in the morning to pick her up. |
Утром я вернусь забрать ее. |
Or pick her up from school. |
Или забрать ее из школы. |
Couldn't be bothered to pick them up. |
Даже не потрудилась забрать... |
Garfield is on his way to pick them up. |
Гарфилд уже идет забрать их. |
Can Christophe pick us up? |
Кристоф может нас забрать. |
They cannot pick out our friendlies. |
Не смогут забрать своих. |
Why don't I just pick them up? |
И мог бы забрать их. |
She's on her way to pick us up. |
Она едет забрать нас. |
I can't pick her up. |
Я не могу забрать её. |
Don't forget to pick her up. |
Не забудь забрать её. |
You were supposed to pick Mom up. |
Ты должен был забрать маму. |
Divine asked me to pick them up. |
Дивина попросила их забрать. |
I need to pick that up. |
Мне нужно ее забрать. |
You can't pick Leo up. Leo's with you. |
Ты не можешь забрать Лео. |
Can you pick Laurie up? |
Ты не мог бы забрать Лок-Лока? |
So should I pick those up later? |
Мне забрать их позже? |
You can pick them up right now. |
Можешь забрать их прямо сейчас. |
Mom asked me to pick them up. |
Мама попросила меня забрать их. |