During a Nintendo Direct presentation on 13 September 2017, Nintendo announced that Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition would be available for download immediately after the livestream, and a physical copy available on a later date. |
13 сентября 2017 года, во время презентации Nintendo Direct, Nintendo заявила, что издание Minecraft для Nintendo 3DS будет доступно для загрузки после прямой трансляции, а позже будет доступна и физическая копия. |
On November 12, 2015, Nintendo announced during a Nintendo Direct that the original generation of Pokémon games would be released on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console service on February 27, 2016, the 20th anniversary of the games' original Japanese release. |
12 ноября 2015 года Nintendo объявила во время Nintendo Direct, что оригинальное поколение игр серии Pokémon будет выпущено в сервисе Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console 27 февраля 2016 года, в 20-ю годовщину первоначальной японской версии игр. |
On February 14, 2013, Nintendo announced in its Nintendo Direct conference that a port for the Nintendo 3DS, titled Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, was in development and was released on May 24, 2013. |
14 февраля 2013 года на конференции Nintendo Direct компания Nintendo объявила, что порт игры для Nintendo 3DS, под названием Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, в настоящее время находится в разработке. |
Each room has a direct telephone, internet connection ADSL Wi-Fi and TV SAT. |
Tйlйphone direct. Connexion Internet Haut Dйbit Wi-Fi. |
With direct access to the Porte de Versailles, Opera, Invalides or UNESCO, it will facilitates your business and leisure journey. |
D'accиs direct а la porte de Versailles, de l'Opйra, des Invalides ou de l'UNESCO, il facilitera vos voyages d'affaires ou d'agrйments. |
20 bedrooms including 2 equipped apartements with couleur TV and automatic direct telephone... |
20 Chambres dont 2 suites, йquipйes TV couleur et tйlйphone direct automatique... |
direct access at the swimming pool... |
un accиs direct а la piscine... |
Our 42 modern rooms have; minibar, TV international channels, bathroom, air conditioning, safe deposit box, hairdryer, telephone direct line, internet access. |
Nos 42 chambres modernes sont йquipйes de minibar, TV accиs aux chaоnes internationales, salle de bain, climatisation, coffre-fort, sиche-cheveux, tйlйphone direct, accиs internet. |
This charming hotel offers you the comfort of its 28 personalised and soundproofed rooms and the following services: direct dial telephone, automatis alarm clock, coulour television with Canal+ and satelitte chanels, private ans mini bar. |
Cet hфtel de charme dispose de 28 chambres personnalisйes et insonorisйes, et offre les prestations suivantes: Tйlйphone direct, rйveil automatique, Tv couleur satellite/ Canal plus, Bar privйe/Mini Bar. |
Our hôtel in Compiegne is situated at 40 minutes of Charles de Gaulle Airport, 50 minutes of Paris, Motorway A1 direct access. |
Notre hфtel а Compiиgne est а 40 minutes de Charles de Gaulle, 50 minutes de Paris, accиs autoroute A1 direct. |
Station Place Monge Line 7 (la Courneuve - Villejuif Stations) direct access to the Chatelet-Opéra or Cardinal Lemoine Station Line 10 (Austerlitz-Boulogne Stations) direct access to the Odéon-Mabillon. |
Station Place Monge ligne nº 7 (la Courneuve - Villejuif) accиs direct Chatelet-Opйra ou station Cardinal Lemoine ligne nº 10 (Austerlitz-Boulogne) accиs direct Odйon-Mabillon. |
Eiffel Tower: direct access by Bus, 20 minutes, Champs-Elysées: Direct Metro ligne 2, 15 minutes, Opéra/Madeleine district: Direct Metro ligne 12, 10 minutes or by feet, Montmartre/Sacré Coeur: 5 minutes by walk... |
La Tour Eiffel: Accиs direct par Bus, 20 minutes, Les Champs-Elysйes: Metro direct ligne 2, 15 minutes, Opйra/Madeleine: Metro direct ligne 12, 10 minutes ou а pied, Montmartre/Sacrй Coeur: 5 minutes de marche... |
Deliver, direct mail. |
Direct mail, прямая почтовая рассылка. |
The equipments are: direct dial telephone, cable/satellite TV, hairdryer in the bathroom. |
Les йquipements sont: tйlйphone direct, TV satellite et coffre-fort individuel. |
All are equipped with taste and comfort (individual air conditioner, cable TV, international direct phone line). |
Tous sont йquipйs avec goыt et confort (climatisation individuelle, tйlйvision cвblйe, tйlйphone direct international). |
They are all equipped with a colour TV that receives foreign channels via satellite, minibar, direct telephone, a safety deposit box and air conditioning. |
Elles sont йquipйes de TV couleur avec des chaоnes йtrangeres via le satellite, minibar, tйlйphone direct, coffre-fort et climatisation. |
38 sound-proof rooms combining modern comfort and refinement (Satellite TV, Canal Satellite, direct phone line, Wifi, automated wake-up, hair dryer,). |
38 chambres climatisйes et insonorisйes alliant raffinement et confort moderne (TV par satellite, Canal Satellite, tйlйphone direct, WiFi, rйveil automatique, sиche cheveux, йcrans plats LCD, bureau, bain balnйothйrapie ou douches hydrothйrapies). |
Formerly called bio-PK, "direct mental interactions with living systems" (DMILS) studies the effects of one person's intentions on a distant person's psychophysiological state. |
Биопсихокинез (био-РК), «Прямое Психическое Взаимодействие с Живыми Системами» англ. Direct Mental Interactions with Living Systems (DMILS) изучает феномены воздействия одного человека на психофизиологическое состояние другого удалённого человека. |
This direct approach to business is expressed through Direct Group organization, tools and process. |
Direct Group предоставляет своим партнерам высококлассную экспертную оценку, гарантирующую незамедлительное развитие и жизнеспособность проектов. |
By bus: Take the bus 'aéroport-Nice'(the one that says direct hotels and not Nº99 which goes to the railway station) and get off at 'Albert 1er'. |
En bus: Prenez le bus 'aйroport-Nice direct par les hфtels (pas le bus 99 qui va а la gare) et sortez а l'arrкt 'Albert 1er'. |
DC Direct has produced five products. |
DC Direct произвела три продукта. |
That's why Direct Group created a leading organization by consistently attracting, developing and rewarding the best professionals and specialists. |
Поэтому Direct Group постоянно привлекает, обучает и поощряет лучших сотрудников. |
Direct group, is directly driven by action, clarity and stability. |
Direct Group руководствуется такими принципами как ясность, активность, стабильность. |
Throughout its history, Direct Group has imposed unrivalled standards of integrity. |
На протяжении своей истории Direct Group предъявляла особые требования к этическому аспекту бизнеса. |
Direct Group has developed a deep respect culture both internally and with its business partners. |
В компании Direct Group давно сложилась культура взаимного уважения как в отношениях между сотрудниками, так и с партнерами по бизнесу. |