Примеры в контексте "Railway - Railway"

Примеры: Railway - Railway
In each murder, an ABC railway guide is left beside the victim. Эй-би-си), и на месте каждого преступления рядом с телом оставляет справочник АВС Railway Guide.
In 1944, working for the Swiss Federal Railways, he designed the Swiss railway clock, which became an international icon. Швейцарские федеральные железные дороги), он разработал часы Swiss railway clock для железной дороги, которые стали национальным символом.
The former was opened in the 1840s by the North Midland, Midland Counties and Birmingham & Derby railway companies to meet their joint requirements for locomotive, carriage and wagon construction and maintenance. Первое было открыто в 1840-х гг. совместно North Midland Railway, Midland Counties Railway и Birmingham and Derby Railway для удовлетворения потребностей в локомотивах, вагонах и их обслуживании.
Novotel London Excel is accessible via the Docklands Light Railway. Вы сможете добраться до отеля Novotel London Excel по линями "легкого" лондонского метро (Docklands Light Railway).
It is located at Nagoya Station and serves as the headquarters of the Central Japan Railway Company. Он расположен на станции Нагоя и служит штаб-квартирой Central Japan Railway Company.
The Southern Railway was particularly successful at promoting itself to the public. Southern Railway была особенно успешна в рекламе.
Since 2016, UWC has been a member of the international association Railway Supply Institute. С 2016 года ОВК входит в международную ассоциацию Railway Supply Institute.
Fielder Station is situated on the Puffing Billy Railway in Australia. В Австралии открыта дорога Puffing Billy Railway.
The Southern Railway retained a separate identity as the Southern Region of British Railways. Southern Railway сохранилась в форме Южного региона British Railways.
The Itsukaichi Line was built by the Itsukaichi Railway in 1925. Линия Ицукаити была построена компанией Itsukaichi Railway в 1925-м году.
In June 1941, the development was entrusted to the Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company. В июне 1941 года разработка была поручена фирме Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company.
The resultant amalgamation of the four south coast railways to form the Southern Railway meant that several duplicate routes and management structures were inherited. В результате объединения четырёх прибрежных железных дорог юга, Southern Railway унаследовала несколько дублированных маршрутов и управленческих структур.
1996 - Canadian Pacific Railway moved its head office from Montreal to Calgary. 1996 - Canadian Pacific Railway перенесла свою главную контору из Монреаля в Калгари.
Construction of the route was begun in 1848 for the Waterford and Limerick Railway and completed in 1854. Постройка линии началась в 1848 году компанией Waterford and Limerick Railway, и завершилась в 1854.
He then moved to England finding employment in 1871 with the North Eastern Railway Company in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. После переезда в Англию, в 1871 он нашёл работу в North Eastern Railway Company в Ньюкасл-эпон-Тайн.
Walker was the General Manager of the Southern Railway, who had told Elliot that Maunsell's permission was required. Герберт Уокер, руководитель Southern Railway, сказал Эллиоту, что на присвоение имён требуется согласие Манселла.
The Southern Railway also built two mixed-traffic electric locomotives, numbered CC1 and CC2 under Bulleid's numbering system. Southern Railway построила два электровоза, получивших номера CC1 и CC2 по новой системе нумерации Буллида.
The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company was founded on 24 May 1823. Компания «The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company» была создана 24 мая 1823 года.
In 1923 she transferred to the London and North Eastern Railway. В 1932 году она влилась в London and North Eastern Railway.
In 1888, the Ferries and Cliff House Railway opened its initial two-line system. В 1888 году железнодорожная компания Ferries and Cliff House Railway открыла свою изначальную систему из двух линий.
The Inokashira Line began operating in 1933 as a completely separate company, Teito Electric Railway (帝都電鉄). Линия Инокасира начала функционировать в 1933-м году как совершенно обособленная компания - Teito Electric Railway (яп.
In 1883, the Market Street Cable Railway opened its first line. В 1883 году компания Market Street Cable Railway открыла свою первую линию.
During the Christmas season the band played an intimate show at the Railway Inn in Winchester. В ходе Рождественского сезона группа играла на закрытом шоу в Railway Inn (Winchester).
Tazawa appeared less than 24 hours later in a relief appearance in the semifinal against Central Japan Railway. Менее чем через сутки, Тадзава появился в качестве релиф-питчера в полуфинале против Central Japan Railway.
November 1, 1906: Nippon Railway is nationalized. 1 ноября 1906: Компания Nippon Railway национализирована.