Примеры в контексте "Revolutionary - Revolutionary"

Примеры: Revolutionary - Revolutionary
Noted bicycle technical authority Sheldon Brown said, "Pugsley is, in its way, as revolutionary as the original mountain bikes were in the early 1980s." Про появление первого серийного фэтбайка SURLY PUGSLEY знаменитый веломеханик Шелдон Браун говорил: «Pugsley is, in its way, as revolutionary as the original mountain bikes were in the early 1980s».
The sessions in Marrakesh produced "Crazy Beat", "Gene by Gene", and "Moroccan Peoples Revolutionary Bowls Club". Во время сессий в Марокко были записаны «Crazy Beat», «Gene By Gene» и «Moroccan Peoples Revolutionary Bowls Club».
In the book With All Our Strength: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan by Anne Brodsky, a number of world-known writers and human rights activists share their views of RAWA. В книге Анны Бродски «Изо всех сил: Революционная ассоциация женщин Афганистана» (With All Our Strength: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) всемирно известные писатели и правозащитники делятся своими мнениями о RAWA.
Oku Onuora's Reflection In Red in 1979, was the first Jamaican recording of a dub poem, followed by Lillian Allen's Revolutionary Tea Party and Benjamin Zephaniah's Rasta, both produced in 1983, and many others from the early 1980s onwards. Оку Онура (Oku Onuora) с альбомом Reflection In Red 1979 года стал первым ямайским записью даб-поэзии, а следующими были Revolutionary Tea Party Лилиан Аллена и Rasta Бенджамина Софонии 1983 года и многие другие альбомы начала 1980-х годов.
During this period, he was a member of the Greek group called Revolutionary Socialist Groups in London, which published the newspaper Maμή ("Midwife", from the Marxian dictum, "violence is the midwife of revolution") for which he wrote several articles. В это время он был участником Революционных социалистических групп (Revolutionary Socialist Groups) в Лондоне, которые публиковали газету Maμή («Повивальная бабка», согласно марксистскому выражению «Насилие - повивальная бабка революции»), для которой он написал несколько статей.