"Indian Giver" was released in 2008 by Birdman Records under the name of Spectrum Meets Captain Memphis, with Captain Memphis, obviously, referring to Dickinson. |
Альбом, названный «Indian Giver», был выпущен Birdman Records в 2008 году под вывеской Spectrum Meets Captain Memphis, за которой скрывались Кембер (Spectrum) и Дикинсон (Captain Memphis). |
Kelly wrote and recorded a song called "Silent" for The Giver: Music Collection, supporting the film adaptation (The Giver) of the novel The Giver, which was released on iTunes on August 5, 2014. |
Kelly написала и записала песню «Silent» для The Giver: Music Collection, в поддержку экранизации (The Giver) of the novel The Giver, который был выпущен на iTunes 5 августа 2014. |