A street dog certainly have eaten a pood of salt during his life, but obviously the destiny didn't pampered him with the bones. | Уличный пес точно съел за свою жизнь пуд соли, а вот косточками судьба его явно не баловала. |
The servants received an annual salary of money (from 5 rubles 25 kopecks), bread (8 quarters of bachelor and 11 quarters of married Cossacks) and salt (one and a half poods married and a pood with a quarter bachelor). | Служилые люди получали годовое жалование деньгами (от 5 рублей 25 копеек), хлебом (8 четвертей холостым и 11 четвертей женатым казакам) и солью (полтора пуда женатым и пуд с четвертью холостым). |