My great-grandmother gave birth in a field in Maine and went right back to picking blueberries. |
Моя прабабушка родила в поле в штате Мэн и вернулась к собиранию черники. |
His great-grandfather and great-grandmother had been born in the islands. |
На островах родились его прадед и прабабушка. |
His great-grandmother Rose Kennedy was the daughter of John F. Fitzgerald, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Mayor of Boston. |
Его прабабушка Роза Кеннеди была дочерью Джона Ф. Фитцджеральда, члена Палаты представителей и мэра Бостона. |
My great-grandmother went to Spellman. |
Моя прабабушка училась в Спелмане. |
Harris' strong-willed and independent great-grandmother influenced her portrayal of both Vianne and the elderly Armande. |
Волевая и независимая прабабушка Харрис повлияла на характеры Виен и Арманды. |