He then served as an Ottoman governor in Salonica. |
Затем он служил в качестве губернатора Османской империи в Салониках. |
Members of the family were at Constantinople between 1530 and 1533, and had a branch establishment at Salonica in 1532-33. |
Члены семьи были в Константинополе между 1530 и 1533 годами, и имели ответвление в Салониках в 1532-33 годах. |
During 1938 and 1939, Stephanides was to work in Salonica with an anti-malarial unit founded by the Rockefeller Foundation, returning periodically to Corfu. |
В 1938-1939 годах Стефанидес работал в Салониках в антималярийной службе, организованной Фондом Рокфеллера, периодически возвращаясь на Корфу. |
In 1753-1754 Moisiodax went to the Greek schools in Salonica and Smyrna, where he was influenced by the Neo-Aristotelianism, prominent in those centres. |
В период 1753-1754 годов учился в греческих школах в Салониках и Смирне, где находился под влиянием неоплатонизма. |
The value of this work is, however, lessened considerably by the facts that the writer has included many oral narratives which he gathered partly in his home, partly in Salonica and Alexandria, and that he often lacks the ability to distinguish truth from fiction. |
Автор включил сюда много устных преданий, которые собрал частью на своей родине, частью в Салониках и Александрии, и зачастую не отличая правду от вымысла. |